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Breachstorm TacOps returns to CaptainCon 2023!
Itching to get a handle on the new ruleset, prove your tactical genius, or just have some great games? We're excited to announce that...

2019 Convention Schedule
With Adepticon just around the corner (we hope to meet plenty of you there!) we're excited to be able to add the Havoc 2019 and Armourcon...

Captaincon 2019 Recap
Breachstorm's first convention of the year was over and the team is still recovering from an amazing weekend. Captaincon 2018 was...

2019 Convention Schedule
With our first convention of the year fast approaching (just one week away!) it's time to talk about Breachstorm's upcoming shows and...

CaptainCon Events Preview
CaptainCon is a three-day tabletop gaming experience hosted in Warwick, Rhode Island on February 8-10th - just over a month away!...
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