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2019 Convention Schedule

With our first convention of the year fast approaching (just one week away!) it's time to talk about Breachstorm's upcoming shows and where you can get hands-on with the game in person and join organized play in 2019!


Captain Con 2019 - 2019 2/8-2/10

Warwick, RI

Events: Tactical Ops Tournaments (Friday & Sunday), Demos, Open Play

Shopping available thru Armory Wargames & Hobbies and The Whiz Store booths

Total Con XXXIII - 2/23-2/24

Marlborough, MA

Events: Demos & Open Play

Adepticon 2019 - 3/27-31

Schaumburg, IL

Events: Demos, Open Play & Shop

GenCon 2019 - 8/1-8/4

Indianapolis, IN

Breachstorm has the honor of being one of only 32 vendors selected to demonstrate in the exclusive Entrepreneur's Alley all weekend.

Events: Demos, Open Play & Shop


You can get in a game with the Breachstorm team, or pickup online orders at any of these events... just contact us!

his list will be updated as the year goes on and more opportunities to see the game in action arise, so stay tuned!

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